La Doria in the “Most Climate-Conscious Companies” ranking
For the third consecutive year, La Doria has been included in the “Most Climate-Conscious Companies” ranking compiled by Corriere della Sera, Pianeta 2030 and Statista, a German company specialized in market research and rankings.
The ranking identifies the 175 Italian companies that have achieved a significant reduction in the intensity of direct (Scope 1) and indirect (Scope 2) COâ‚‚ emissions in relation to sales over the period 2021-2023. La Doria is one of 17 companies in the food sector to have achieved this result. The 175 companies ranked, belonging to different economic sectors, were selected from a sample of more than 600 Italian companies with the highest turnover or listed on the Italian stock exchange.
Our presence in this ranking confirms the validity of the path taken by La Doria in recent years and represents recognition of the Group’s constant commitment to reducing its environmental impact and contributing to the fight against climate change.
Read the full article at https://www.corriere.it/pianeta2030/25_gennaio_23/classifica-2025-aziende-piu-attente-clima-pianeta-2030-statista-c34872ac-d734-11ef-adfb-ae3d0644419f.shtml